Τρίτη 23 Ιουνίου 2015

The Doors of the Old Town of Rethymno

This is calendar with doors of the old town of Rethymno. 
This is not a kind of album including all the doors of the old town. We didn't choose the more flashy nor the most impressive ones. We chose these particular doors because every one of them has something to recount about the life of the city over time. So this calendar is a way to learn things about the city and also to travel in time by ''opening'' if you want, a different door every day!

Strange Days Books

All rights reserved
Copyright© Strange Days Books,
Adress: Chimarras 6, Rethymno, 74100, τηλ.: +2831503835
email:  info@paraxenesmeres.gr

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Such a beautiful place! I've visited many times in the past and I'm planning on staying this summer in Rethimnon! I booked my ferry tickets through https://www.letsferry.gr/gr/upiresies/destinations/provoli-proorismou/rethumno and can't wait for the days to pass!!
